New Book by Vic Flick

New Book by Vic Flick released . Book is available now . Here are a couple extracts to whet your appetite: The recording of the album "Stringbeat" in 1961 was a major turning point in my career - in more ways than one!. The big solo guitar sound was all the rage with hit records like "The Peter Gunn Theme" and "Shazam" in the charts. John Barry had long used my guitar as the featured instrument in his Seven recordings and was now determined to milk the commerciality of the sound to the full. Using the "plus four" sound and a full string section, we recorded "Stringbeat" in three sessions at EMI. In EMI Studio 2 to be exact. EMI 2 has been photographed many times so I expect most people know that it is a big room. Not as big as EMI 3, but still a big room. Along the back wall was set the rhythm section, piano, bass and drums. Slightly in front of them was a lone chai...